How do I lodge a complaint?

If you ever want to make a complaint against Precision (the issuer of Beam) you can get in touch with us by:

• Calling 1800 572 154 

• Emailing

•Or send a letter to Beam Complaints, GPO Box 2924, Brisbane QLD 4001

There is also an external dispute resolution scheme that deals with complaints about financial services and products
– note there are some changes to this scheme effective 1 November 2018.

There are no changes to Precision’s internal complaints handling process, but now, if you are not happy with our response to a complaint, you should contact AFCA instead of FOS. AFCA is an independent body set up to help resolve disputes between financial institutions and their customers. You can also choose to take your complaint directly to AFCA without first referring it to Precision, though in some circumstances, AFCA may refer your complaint back to us.

AFCA can be contacted by writing to:
Australian Financial Complaints Authority
GPO Box 3
Melbourne Vic 3001
Phone: 1800 931 678

Please note that the scope of matters AFCA can deal with has some limitations. It is possible that AFCA cannot deal with your matter. AFCA will advise you if they can deal with your complaint, and if so, what information you need to supply. Both the Precision internal dispute resolution procedure and AFCA service are free of charge.

Complaints policy